Bees play a very important role in our ecosystem because it is responsible for pollination. Bees inside the house can be dangerous because they may become defensive and attack anyone who comes near them, and some may develop allergic reactions when stung. Generally, bees are non-aggressive animals if not provoked, but an infestation in your home can cause discomfort and certain health hazards. If you ever find yourself in such a situation in Melbourne, then the only approach left to you is safely and humanely removing the bees. In this blog, we are going to look into how to remove bees from your house and will also draw light on the involvement of professional pest control services like 7 State Pest Control to have safe and effective bee and wasp control in Melbourne.

Why Do Bees Enter Your Home?

Generally, bees require dark, dry, and warm sites for nesting. This is perhaps the reason they are attracted to the attic, wall cavities, and chimneys. Some of the reasons why bees might end up in your house include the following.

  1. Looking for Shelter: Bees might get in through an open window or crack as they search for a good safe place to establish a hive.
  2. Attract Light:  Bees, like other insects, are attracted to artificial light sources, and thus, they may be coming towards your house during the evening.
  3. Proximity to a nest: If there is a bee hive close by, bees may go astray inside your house while searching for nectar or water.

Once the bees enter, they may begin building their nest. This makes the issue pretty much harder to deal with. If you suspect this is the case, professional bee or wasp control in Melbourne will be a necessity in ensuring your safety as well as the bees.

How to Remove Bees in Your Home?

Once you decide to get rid of bees in your house, keep them unharmed, because evicting bees from your home requires so much caution. Here’s how it can be done:

  1. Keep calm and do not provoke the bees: In general, bees sting when they are provoked or threatened. So if you find bees around your house, remain calm and just patiently observe what they are doing. Do not even try swat at them or make sudden movements that might provoke them to get you stung. If you have spotted so many bees around, it would be best for you to stay away and not disturb the area.
  2. Open Windows and Doors: One of the simplest ways to get bees to leave you alone is by making it easy for them to make their way out. Just open all the windows and doors giving them an easy escape route. Dim every light, as light attracts bees, and let sunlight shine your way towards outside .
  3. Bee-friendly Trap: If the bees do not want to fly away, then you can use a bee-capture trap. These traps catch the bees without hurting them at all. Once caught, the bees can be safely released outdoors. One needs to put on proper protective gear before dealing with the trap so as to avoid stings.
  4. Remove Sources of Attractive Odor: Bees are attracted to sweet smells, such as food, flowers, and perfumes. Remove the sources of the sweet smells or mask them. Block or cover the containers that contain food, and do not use scented candles or perfumes when eliminating the bees.
  5. Seal all the Entry Points: Once bees are safely evacuated, it is important that they do not come back. Take your home through a mini-inspection, checking windows, doors, and chimneys, the ones with plenty of cracks and holes, which bees might use as an entry point. Fill all these with caulking or mesh.
  6. Seek Professional Help for Their Safe Removing: If you have large bee colonies or colonies of bees in your home, these DIY methods will not work. Human and eco-friendly bee and wasp control in Melbourne is done by professional pest control services like 7 State Pest Control. Experts possess the expertise and tools for the safe removal of bee colonies and relocation without killing the bees or endangering your household.

Why You Shouldn’t Kill Bees?

Although using some toxic insecticides or chemicals may seem like an easy way to get rid of the bees, this is neither an environmental-friendly practice nor a healthy long-term outcome. Bees represent an important source of pollination in any local ecosystem, killing them may have significant effects on such an ecosystem. Additionally, killed bees indoors leave behind a hive that may attract other pests and causes structural damage.

Professional bee and wasp control in Melbourne services involve the safe removal of the bees so they can continue to promote the ecosystem while they do not pose a threat to your house.

How to Keep Bees from Entering Your Home?

Generally, preventing bees from getting inside is always better than trying to fix an infestation. Here are some tips for keeping bees out:

  1. Keep Your Garden: If you have a garden then plant bee-friendly plants away from your house. These bees are attracted to the garden away from your home. Thus, putting plantations like lavender, sunflowers, and clover in designated areas for your gardens can give them a reason to stay outside.
  2. Keep Windows and Doors Closed: Another is to keep windows and doors closed or fit fine mesh screens. That way, you allow fresh air inside while preventing bees.
  3. Natural Bee Repellents: Certain natural smells like cinnamon, vinegar, or citronella repel bees. Sprinkle some cinnamon powder around windows or spray a mixture of water and vinegar around entry points to deter bees from coming into your house.
  4. Home checks: Hire a professional pest control service, such as 7 State Pest Control, which should regularly inspect your house for potential entry points for bees. For instance, an expert inspection may be able to trace areas that attract bees or wasps and takes preventative measures before they become an issue.
What to Do If You Find a Beehive?

If you detect a beehive within or near your home, you should take quick and careful action. Do not try to take it out or eliminate it yourself because this will likely trigger hostile bee reaction. What to do:

  1. Do not Disturb the Hive: Just keep away from it, put it out of your mind, and do not try to knock it down. The bees will defend their hive.
  2. Hire a Professional: Contact a pest control service like 7 State Pest Control to have them come out and remove the bees professionally. Experts will safely move the hive to a location of your choosing.
  3. Remove All Hive Remnants: Once the bees have been removed, you will want to make sure the hive and remaining pieces are completely removed from your property. A hive left behind could attract other pests such as ants or wasps.
Professional Pest Control Services for Wasps and Bees

Professional bee and wasp control in Melbourne ensures safe, humane, as well as effective removal of infestation. Companies like 7 State Pest Control specialize in the removal of bees from homes without hurting them. Here’s why you have to consider hiring a professional:

Bees are very crucial in our environment, yet they do not belong inside your house. You can safely remove bees from your home while taking a humane approach. For the more serious cases, you can simply call the professionals, like 7 State Pest Control where you can find expert bee and wasp control in Melbourne. We here at this firm will assist you with keeping your safe home for everybody, not only people but also be very protective of our environment.


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