Rats are one of the common pests found in Australia, mostly in urban areas like Melbourne. These rodents are not only simply a nuisance but are also significant health risks due to diseases carried and damage your properties may suffer. If you heard scurrying sounds in your ceiling or saw signs of rats in the house, taking immediate action is a must so that infestation does not reach a full-blown state. In this blog, we will guide you on how to get rid of rats in the roof with insights coming from 7 State Pest Control, a leading provider of pest control in Melbourne for rats.

Why Rats Infest Roofs?

Rats are opportunistic, always on the lookout for food, water, and shelter. Roofs come out especially in homes which have attics or crawl spaces because of their fabulous nesting conditions for such pests.

Here’s why roofs are attractive to rats:

How To Know If Rats Are Present In Your Roof?

Before calling the reinforcements, it will be a good idea to confirm first that rats are indeed living in your roof. Here are the signs of a rat infestation:

Dangers of Having Rats in Roof

Having rats in the roof presents several problems:

How to Eliminate Rats from Your Roof?

Getting rid of rats in the roof requires step by step handling. Here are the most effective ways of getting rid of them:

  1. Inspect and Seal Entry Points: Dealing with a rat infestation involves proceeding through the first step of identifying and sealing entry points they may be using to gain access to your roof. Common entry points include the following:

Cover up the gaps with metal wool, caulking or metal screen, as they will chew through softer materials like wood or plastic. Make sure every hole bigger than 6mm is covered up because rats can squeeze into surprisingly small openings.

  1. Eliminate Attraction Sites: This animal is attracted to those places with easy access to food and water. The removal of these attractants will make your home less desirable. Tips include the following:
  1. Set Traps: Once the entry points are sealed and all means of food have been removed, you can start trapping the rats that remain inside your roof. There are different types of traps, which include:
  1. Handling Rodenticides By Caution: Rodenticides, or rat poisons, can indeed work, but one uses them at a time with caution, especially around pets and small children. They take several days to start working, during which rats may die in hard-to-reach areas of your roof: possible sources of unpleasant odors or even health hazards. If you decide to use rodenticides, it is best to have a professional pest control service do the handling.
  2. Professional Pest Control Services : Rat infestation can indeed turn out to be one real challenge, especially if the infestation is really severe. Hiring professional pest control services would therefore turn out to be a much better option. 7 State Pest Control in Melbourne specializes in pest control for rats. The company equips clients with very effective methods that easily get rid of infestations.

Pest control experts can assess the situation, employ high-tech machinery, and safely target specific treatments to eliminate rats from your roof. They also work to make sure that the infestation does not come back by providing preventive measures and long-term solutions.

Preventing Return of Rats

After eliminating rats from your roof, preventing its recurrence is an important task. Some of the long-term preventive measures include:

Inspect regularly: go through your roof and attic time to time to look for signs of rats or new entry points.

Even though the rats in the roof can pose a serious matter, proper approach will help you remove them and prevent return. Sealing the entry points, trapping them, removal of attractants, and calling for professional intervention when need be is what can help your house stay rat-free. To get expert service for pest control on rats in Melbourne, reach out to 7 State Pest Control to keep unwanted such pests at bay from your house.

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